
Computerized Justice is No Justice

CALL TO ACTION: Stop the Ohio Supreme Court in Forcing Computerized Justice

STOP JUSTICE MAUREEN O’CONNOR AND OHIO SUPREME COURT FROM CHANGING COURT RULES TO FORCE COMPUTERIZED JUSTICE August 29 2018 The Ohio Supreme Court is pushing to computerize the justice system by changing court rules to require judges to use risk algorithms in the setting of bail and conditions of pretrial release. 115 National Civil Right…
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ACTION NEEDED: Ohio Using an Invalid Risk Assessment Tool to Determine Pretrial Release, Probation

Ohio, long championing itself as a leader in the use of validated risk assessment tools is, in fact, open to serious scrutiny of their risk model. August 14, 2018 There is continuing opposition to the use of risk assessments in what might be called the cradle-to-grave of the criminal justice system. Currently, there is an…
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Criminal justice software code could send you to jail and there’s nothing you can do about it

Trade secrets are trumping personal liberty Excerpt from The Register – August 13, 2018 DEF CON American police and the judiciary are increasingly relying on software to catch, prosecute and sentence criminal suspects, but the code is untested, unavailable to suspects’ defense teams, and in some cases provably biased. In a presentation at the DEF CON…
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Machine Bias

Can Computers Predict the Future? In a special report by ProPublica in May of 2016, the authors examine predictive “risk-based” criminal software used in analyzing the risk posed by criminal defendants after arrest.  The findings on the performance of these algorithms was alarming…and served as a wake up call for states engaging in the self…
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The New Republic: Turns Out Algorithms Are Racist

Turns Out Algorithms Are Racist In an August 2017 report on Artificial Intelligence (AI), it is suggested that “artificial intelligence may be just as bigoted as human beings.” The report by The New Republic digs deeper into the bias of machines in everything from credit approvals to social justice and the future doesn’t look to…
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